Trusted leader in the Managed IT services industry

With an unwavering commitment to excellence, EasyWayIT has been a trusted leader in the IT services industry for more than two decades . Serving the vibrant Tampa Bay community, our journey has been marked by innovation, reliability, and dedication. For over 20 years , we have partnered with businesses large and small, delivering cutting-edge IT solutions, unmatched expertise, and a steadfast promise to empower organizations to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. As we look to the future, we remain steadfast in our mission to provide top-tier IT services, reinforcing our position as a pillar of technological excellence in the Tampa Bay area.


With Weller, a Leading Real Estate Management Company, Since it's first Managed Asset.

Over the years, EasyWayIT has provided Weller with exceptional IT services, including the installation and management of on-premises domain controllers, Exchange Servers, and web servers.

Weller's merger with Waypoint Residential was a significant milestone in the company's growth, combining the strengths of both companies to create a more robust real estate management enterprise. This merger required substantial changes to Weller's IT infrastructure. EasyWayIT designed and implemented a new IT setup to meet the new business requirements, setting up new domain controllers on the cloud and migrating user accounts and policies. They also established new email services to facilitate seamless communication between employees from both companies.

EasyWayIT's expertise was pivotal in the successful merger and the rebranding to Bridge Real Estate. They designed and launched a new website for Bridge Real Estate, showcasing the company's new branding and enhancing online property search capabilities.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced many businesses, including Weller, to adopt remote work policies. EasyWayIT ensured Weller's employees could work from home efficiently by implementing Office 365 MFA for secure remote access and setting up Microsoft Teams and SharePoint for enhanced communication and collaboration.

Beyond corporate IT support, EasyWayIT has been instrumental in supporting Weller's managed assets with advanced technology solutions. This includes managing IT for leasing offices, implementing, and maintaining security and surveillance systems, audio and video systems, and overseeing telephony systems. EasyWayIT's comprehensive technology management ensures that each property operates smoothly and securely, providing a high level of service to tenants and staff alike.

In conclusion, EasyWayIT has been an exceptional MSP for Weller, playing a critical role in supporting the company's growth and transitions. From managing IT infrastructure to facilitating a major merger and enabling remote work, EasyWayIT's services have been instrumental in maintaining Weller's productivity and business continuity.

Gino and George Quay IV Weller & EasyWayIT Managed IT, Cybersecurity & Cloud Since day one

Qem, is a machine shop that specializes in producing high-precision components for various industries.

Pharmacy Automation Systems (PAS) develops innovative pharmacy automation systems for pharmacies. EasyWayIT has been working with both clients for several years, providing them with a wide range of IT services.

For Qem, EasyWayIT installed and managed the initial on-premises Domain Controller and Exchange Server. This allowed Qem to centralize its IT infrastructure and improve its email communication. EasyWayIT also implemented the first on-premises version of SharePoint for Qem. EasyWayIT provided IT support and assistance to Qem to create their Quality Management System in SharePoint. The system enabled Qem to track quality issues, identify root causes, and implement corrective actions more effectively. With the help of EasyWayIT, Qem was able to improve its quality control processes, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction.

For PAS, EasyWayIT provided assistance in creating the first cloud infrastructure to develop pharmacy automation systems software and infrastructure. This involved setting up cloud-based servers, storage, and network resources, as well as configuring security policies and access controls. EasyWayIT worked closely with PAS to understand its business requirements and recommend the best cloud infrastructure solutions. This allowed PAS to focus on developing its core business, rather than managing IT infrastructure. The cloud infrastructure provided PAS with a flexible, scalable, and cost-effective platform to develop and deploy its pharmacy automation systems.

EasyWayIT also provided ongoing IT support and maintenance services to both clients. This involved monitoring their IT systems, performing regular backups and updates, and resolving any issues that arose. EasyWayIT also provided cybersecurity services, such as firewall management, antivirus protection, and intrusion detection. This ensured that both clients' IT systems were secure and protected from cyber threats.

In conclusion, EasyWayIT has been a valuable MSP for both Qem and PAS. With its expertise in IT infrastructure, SharePoint, cloud computing, and cybersecurity, EasyWayIT has helped both clients improve their efficiency, productivity, and security. By providing comprehensive IT solutions and services, EasyWayIT has enabled Qem and PAS to focus on their core businesses, while leaving the IT management to the experts.

Qem & Pharmacy Automation Systems Qem and Pas - Pharmacy Automation Systems Since 2006

Long-term Partnership with EasyWayIT

One of our long-term clients, Boylan and Boylan, is an accounting firm based in Clearwater, Florida, owned by Brian Boylan and Joe Boylan. EasyWayIT has been working with Boylan and Boylan since 2002, providing them with a wide range of IT services.

Boylan and Boylan initially approached EasyWayIT because they needed to work remotely. EasyWayIT created a virtual private network (VPN) to securely connect Boylan and Boylan's remote workers to their on-premises network. EasyWayIT also installed an on-premises domain controller and a remote access server, which enabled Boylan and Boylan's remote workers to access their desktops and files from anywhere, at any time. This allowed Boylan and Boylan's employees to work remotely, which greatly improved their productivity and work-life balance.

EasyWayIT also provided backup and support services to Boylan and Boylan since 2002. This involved monitoring their IT systems, performing regular backups and updates, and resolving any issues that arose. EasyWayIT also provided cybersecurity services, such as firewall management, antivirus protection, and intrusion detection. This ensured that Boylan and Boylan's IT systems were secure and protected from cyber threats. The backup services ensured that Boylan and Boylan's critical data was always safe and recoverable in case of any disaster.

Over the years, EasyWayIT has helped Boylan and Boylan to upgrade and modernize their IT systems. This included migrating their email system to Microsoft Office 365, which provided them with a more reliable and feature-rich email platform. EasyWayIT also implemented a document management system, which allowed Boylan and Boylan to manage their documents more efficiently and securely. This included document versioning, access controls, and search capabilities, which greatly improved their document management processes.

In conclusion, EasyWayIT has been a valuable MSP for Boylan and Boylan, providing them with a wide range of IT solutions and services. By providing comprehensive IT solutions and services, EasyWayIT has enabled Boylan and Boylan to focus on their core business, while leaving the IT management to the experts. With its expertise in IT infrastructure, remote access, cybersecurity, and modernization, EasyWayIT has helped Boylan and Boylan to improve their efficiency, productivity, and security, and to stay competitive in the fast-changing business environment.

Boylan and Boylan Client and Accountant since 2002 Service Provider and Client since 2002